søndag den 28. november 2010

Lab 11

At the end of the labsession you have chosen a project and you have discussed at least two alternative projects. The lab report from this labsession should include:

list of projects considered with a short description of each, e.g. a description could be:"robot that can dry wet spots on the floor during a handball match".

- Navigation spin off
Robots could look for each other using only sound sensors. When all are found they should position them selves in a row and synchronize their sounds to be able to play a short symphony together.

- Legway spin off
build a two-legged walking robot with a custom build gyro

- Interactive Robot Games

for each project describe the hardware/software platform and software architecture of each component.
- Symphony
PC bluetooth monitor software for us to be able to see what the hell the robots are doing - especially when synchronizing. This will help us debug

Awesome lejos software

Four NXT's
Four Ultra sounds sensors
Four microphones

- Legway

Three to five motors
Lots of lego

- Interactive Robot Games
Control software for pacman which communicates via bluetooth

Cameras for positioning
Five NXT (four enemies and one pacman)
Computers for sending
Four Ultra sounds sensors

try to point out the most difficult problems to be solved in each project, e.g. for the floorcleaner robot it is difficult to figure out when to stop cleaning.
- Symphony
Finding each other using only sound in a noisy environment

- Legway

- Robot games
Positioning and movement
AI for enemies
Bluetooth communication

for each project describe what you would expect to be able to present at the end of the project period.

- Symphony
At the end of the project four robots should be able to be positioned randomly in a room (it might have to be a quiet environment). Thereafter they should be able to find each other and group. Position them selves in a row and synchronize with each other for thereafter to be able to play a short symphony

- Legway
At the presentation we should have a robot which can walk using only two legs and balance. We might have a robot which can turn corners.

- Pacman
We will be able to play pacman using a computer as a controller and the floor as a playing field.

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